5 students smiling and holding their Student of the Month Certificates in the school lobby

This October, our school celebrated students who exemplified the value of Respect for Others, a theme chosen to highlight the importance of kindness and understanding in our school community. Teachers were asked to select students who consistently demonstrate respect through their words and actions. Here are the students honored this month, along with what their teachers had to say about them:

Lily Porecca
"Lily has a remarkable way of showing respect to others, always considerate and thoughtful in her interactions. Her kindness and understanding make a lasting impression, and I’m truly impressed by how she treats everyone with such dignity and care." – Mr. Kreider

Arman Kamali
"Arman is very respectful to everyone that he talks to and always has something nice to say and is very helpful." – Mrs. Baker

Idubin Vargas
"Idubin is very respectful, polite, and considerate to teachers and peers. He demonstrates kindness to others and is willing to take on additional tasks of working with peers to help with mathematical concepts during class." – Mrs. Williams

Keyshmarie Zaragoza Mercado
"Keyshmarie demonstrates respect to both adults and students throughout the school day. She is kind when holding conversations with others and promotes positivity throughout the school day." – Mr. McBride

Carlos Sanchez Negron
"Carlos is always respectful and kind to everyone, both teachers and classmates alike." – Mrs. Lake

Congratulations to these students for their outstanding demonstration of respect! They are an inspiration to us all.